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News from the field: GSC MOBILE GAS REFUELER works in Belarus successfully
18 July, 2019
The equipment is used in a harvesting

The first exported GSC MOBILE GAS REFUELER is operated in the Gomel region. The equipment fills CNG agricultural machinery. One of poultry farms of the area bought four new combines, operating on natural gas, recently. According to its chief agronomist, usage of gas allowed to reduce costs significantly of cleaning in view of lower price, in comparison with other types of fuel.

MOBILE GAS REFUELER, which is working at fields of the Gomel region, became the first embodiment of GSK-6300 model. It has the increased module capacity for transportation of CNG and is equipped with all necessary systems for refueling natural gas vehicles from a board in any convenient point: fueling column, control panel, junction point. It can be used both in the passive mode, and in a complex with booster compressor installation. The equipment was supplied to the customer at the end of 2018.


Ann Evdokimova
Phone: +7 (915) 956-35-04