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Cylinders for fire extinguishing systems

The GasServiceComposite Group of Companies manufactures cylinders for fire extinguishing modules and cartridges for a working pressure of 4 MPa, 6.5 MPa, 15 MPa with a capacity from 40 to 200 liters. Cylinders are intended for storage under pressure of fire extinguishing compositions, water, water solutions, freons, etc.

Distinctive features of the cylinders of the GasServiceComposite Group of companies are distinguished by:
- Corrosion resistance
- Wide temperature mode of operation (from -60 to +65 0C)
- Relatively light weight
- Long re-examination period

The cylinders comply with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union TR СU 032/2013 "On the safety of equipment operating under excessive pressure."
The cylinders are equipped with a support and a protective cap. At the request of the customer, they can be equipped with various nozzles, depending on the locking-starter.

According to your order and requirement specification (RS) we:
- supply the cylinders
- assemble the module
- design a fire extinguishing module of the required capacity and emptying speed (extinguishing agent (EA) supply), start-up method.